The Idea...

Why did I invent the screen protector for test equipment??...

Well, by trade, I am a test engineer and have a few guys working for me. After buying several testers (roughly £1000 each) I found the machines were coming back with scuffed screens, not something you want to see on something so expensive. But you can't blame the guys for the scuffs as the majority of these screens are made of plastic, something that scratches very easily. So, after a long bit of research, test & development, I started to manufacture the Screen Shield. 

We are the first and original manufacturers of the Screen Shield for testers and have a wealth of knowledge of R&D on this subject. Others have tried to copy us by using bulky hard clear plastic with glue, rest assured ScuffStop™ Screen Shield have no glue, does not react with the plastic screens and leaves no residual marks after removal. We designed these purely to help you maintain your valuable test equipment’s screen against scuffs and abrasions. Inadvertently, its also proven to enhance a slightly scuffed screen giving you a clear view of the readout.

Hope you enjoy the design and welcome any comments or suggestions for the next project!